AcryliqueType d'oeuvre
Oeuvre originaleCertificat délivré par
L' artisteSignature
versoDimensions hors cadre
130 x 195 x 3 cm(51,18 x 76,77 x 1,18 in)
Facture délivrée par
L' artisteÉtat
excellentDescription de l'oeuvre
Jean Yohanan DELAUNAY
Ellis island 4/31(2013)
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This work belongs to the series called "Ellis-Island". It is the fourth and last of the set, the first three having been sold. Like the series entitled "Patrimoine", "Les Bijoux" and "Déjà vu" it was composed from a principle inspired by geometric progressions of the proportion of gold. It was made on an uncoated unbleached cotton canvas but primed with a transparent acrylic Gesso. It consists of an intertwining of surfaces and lines of color also playing with the canvas'one. It is signed on the back.