Federico CORTESE - Doha, the pearl 3

Artiste La cote de Federico CORTESE / Toutes les œuvres sur la Marketplace
Type d'oeuvre Oeuvre originale
Titre Doha, the pearl 3
Année 2018
Catégorie Dessin-Aquarelle
Technique Technique mixte/papier
Signature base
Dimensions hors cadre
27,56 x 14,17 in
70 x 36 cm
Certificat délivré par artist
Facture Non
État excellent

Summary of features:

Artist: Federico Cortese

Title: Doha the pearl, 3

Quantity: 1 (original painting)

Conditions: excellent

Medium & materials: oil on thick paper 

Dimensions: 36 x 70 cm (14.1 x 27.5 in)

Finishing: protective varnish (transparent mastic paint)

Location and year created: Turin, Italy - 2018

Certificate of Authenticity: included, with signature of the artist on photograph 

Surface of the paper: smooth


Lot N° 2778926
Statut du vendeur Particulier
Pays ITALY (turin)
Frais Livraison à la charge du vendeur
Remise en mains propres Livraison en mains propres dans un rayon de 30 km.
Assurance Oui
Nombre de colis 1
Poids 1.0 Kg
Informations complémentaires

This painting is part of a series of pieces that were commissioned from the FIRST QATAR REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. The copies of these paintings have been used for the wall decor of the rooms of the new Hilton "The Pearl" in Doha, Qatar.

Fin d'enchère le 07/06/2024 08:00
En cours
490 €
490 € (532 $)
490 € (417 £)
490 € (3 845 ¥)