Type d'oeuvre
Oeuvre originale
Certificat délivré par
Son and current owner of the BENIMELI Collection
bas droite
Dimensions hors cadre
50 x 1 x 65 cm(19,69 x 0,39 x 25,59 in)
Description de l'oeuvre

The unique style created by ANGELES BENIMELI, the "Underwater Morphological Evolution", will allow you to immerse yourself in an incredible imaginary world of fantastic colors and shapes, where what you see is never what it seems. Imaginary creatures created in oil with multiple micro brushes of different colors that make up a moving micro universe that communicates with each other and has its own life. The composition and the spaces are closed to the guach with the complementary colors that belong to each living spot and that divides each underworld into its own micro world. What characterizes this type of work is its colorful, natural, semi-abstract beauty, it is like containing the open sea itself in a small coral fish tank where its inhabitants connect through their position and their own movements. Such was the imagination of ANGELES BENIMELI, full of a permanent inner life where color gave strength and expression to her deep contemporary art.


EMSB20: Deep meeting(1993)

Annonce N°2764697
195 €(211 $US)