HuileType d'oeuvre
Oeuvre originaleCertificat délivré par
Wildenstein instituteDimensions hors cadre
75,6 x 83,1 x 2,5 cm(29,76 x 32,72 x 0,98 in)
Dimensions avec cadre
85,1 x 88 x 3,8 cm(33,5 x 34,65 x 1,5 in)
fentesRéf. catalogue raisonné
Catalogue critique of oil paintings by Hubert Robert, prepared at the wildenstein instituteDescription de l'oeuvre
Lavandiets at a stream , in a classical landscape with ruins
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Powerful painting by Hubert Robert.
The painting has a vertical tare in the sky about 8 cm long and a vertical tare in the same area of the sky about 5 cm long. Also a scratch about 3 cm long, along the blue costume
Of the standing figure. Under black light, I did not detect restoration.