Sérigraphie Type d'oeuvre
Multiple (Portfolio of 10. Edition of 250 signed in ball-poi)Certificat délivré par
Revolver GallerySignature
Signé mainDimensions hors cadre
35 x 23 in(88,9 x 58,42 cm)
Facture délivrée par
Revolver Gallery État
bonDescription de l'oeuvre
Campbell’s Soup Cans II Complete Portfolio(1969)
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The Campbell’s Soup Cans II complete portfolio by Andy Warhol comprises 10 prints of the iconic Campbell’s Soup Cans, heralding nostalgia and familiarity. As his third work rendering the common American pantry item, it follows his breakout thirty-two piece series, Campbell’s Soup Cans (1962), and the 1968 Campbell’s Soup Cans I. The Campbell’s design became high art in Warhol’s series, anchoring its name as a pop culture icon, and Warhol’s as the Prince of Pop Art.