Huile/toileType d'oeuvre
Oeuvre originaleCertificat délivré par
bas droiteDimensions hors cadre
68 x 104 x 2 cm(26,77 x 40,94 x 0,79 in)
Dimensions avec cadre
86 x 122 x 4,5 cm(33,86 x 48,03 x 1,77 in)
Facture délivrée par
bonDescription de l'oeuvre
Napoleon Bonaparte was in burning Moscow. 1812(2000)
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The fires that began in Moscow late on the eve of September 15 (3), 1812, continued. In different places of the city, new fires broke out.
The French emperor Napoleon, accompanied by his retinue, entered Moscow at 11 a.m. on September 15 (3), 1812. He chose the Kremlin as his main apartment. Meanwhile, fires in the city flared up more and more. The French found that all the extinguishing agents at the disposal of the city fire service were removed from the city by order of the Governor of Moscow, Count Rostopchin.
2012 Exhibition of painting, drawing, sculpture and icon painting of the fine art masters of Russia dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the victory in the 1812 Patriotic War, mounted in the State Geology Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Церетели З.К. Малышев Ю.Н. Государственный геологический музей РАН им. Вернадского 200-летие Победы в Отечественной войне 1812 года. Каталог выставки М - РАХ. с - 48 page - 22