CrayonType d'oeuvre
Oeuvre originaleCertificat délivré par
artist Simon KozhinSignature
bas droiteDimensions hors cadre
21 x 28,2 x 0,1 cm(8,27 x 11,1 x 0,04 in)
Dimensions avec cadre
43,5 x 50,5 x 2,2 cm(17,13 x 19,88 x 0,87 in)
excellentDescription de l'oeuvre
Kuskovo estate(1999)
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Lilac, white, pink peonies in the park of the Kuskovo estate create a bright decor. Heavy buds bowed to the ground creating a smooth movement of flowers, a clear form of organic life stops the eye with its organicity. Trimmed lindens in the form of a ball in the background and a slightly noticeable pavilion in the third draw attention. Tonal analysis and elaboration of forms creates an organic look of the picture.
Златоверховникова О.Н. Семён Кожин Simon Kojin. – М.: Принт люкс, 2007. – 120 с. Page 111