Sérigraphie Type d'oeuvre
Multiple (Signed in black felt tipped marker. Printed by Cas)Certificat délivré par
Revolver GallerySignature
Signé mainDimensions hors cadre
7 x 7 in(17,78 x 17,78 cm)
Facture délivrée par
Revolver Gallery État
Castelli Graphics, New YorkDescription de l'oeuvre
Marilyn Invitation 7' x 7' (Castelli Graphics)(1981)
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From the edition of 250. The specific edition number will only be provided to the buyer at the actual point of sale. Please message us to request this information at the point of purchase.
Marilyn Invitation (Castelli Graphics) is a miniature version of Andy Warhol’s Marilyn (FS II.30) and was created as an announcement for the exhibition Andy Warhol: A Print Retrospective 1963-1981 on display from November 21 to December 22, 1981 at Castelli Gallery in New York. Along with his pop art images of Brillo boxes and Campbell’s soup cans, Warhol created celebrity portraits of famous icons such as Marilyn Monroe and Jane Fonda. Originally printed in the early 1960s, Marilyn became the quintessential pop icon in the Pop Art Movement and for Andy Warhol.