Sérigraphie Type d'oeuvre
Multiple (Edition of 150, 1 PP, signed and numbered in felt )Signature
Signé mainDimensions hors cadre
30 x 40 in(76,2 x 101,6 cm)
excellentRéf. catalogue raisonné
(FS II.199)Description de l'oeuvre
Space Fruit: Watermelon 199(1979)
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Andy Warhol’s Space Fruit: Watermelon 199 is part of his Space Fruit: Still Lifes series that he created in 1979. During this series, Warhol focuses on his use of colorful shadows, giving the fruit more of a 3D perspective. Unlike some of his other Space Fruit works, the subject of this piece is hardly recognizable as a fruit because of the abstract color and shapes showcased in the print. However, the turquoise Warhol paints on the fruit and the vibrant fuchsia and red he paints in the background create relevance to the colors associated with the fruit as a means of de-familiarization.