AquarelleType d'oeuvre
Oeuvre originaleCertificat délivré par
artist Simon KozhinSignature
haut droiteDimensions hors cadre
61 x 91 x 0,1 cm(24,02 x 35,83 x 0,04 in)
Dimensions avec cadre
82,5 x 113,2 x 3 cm(32,48 x 44,57 x 1,18 in)
excellentDescription de l'oeuvre
Powers-court Estate. Playing Golf.(2007)
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On our trip to Ireland, we stopped at the Power Court estate, which reminds me a bit of the architecture of St. Petersburg.I saw people playing golf near the park. The weather was cloudy and the environment was sinking in sfumato, I wanted to immerse the viewer in this environment. The transparency of the watercolor made it possible to realize my idea.
2009 Exhibition at the Game of Imagination Gallery in the Press Centre of the Izvestiya Publishing House, Moscow.
2012 “Visible Images”, personal exhibition at the exhibition hall of the Russian Auction House in Gostiny Dvor, Moscow.
Златоверховникова О.Н. Семён Кожин. – М.: Принт люкс, 2007. – 120 с. Page 45
Златоверховникова О.Н. Семён Кожин. – М.: Белый город, 2009. – 64 с. – (Мастера живописи. Русские художники). ISBN: 9785779317184 Page 34
Семён Кожин. Зримые образы: [каталог персональной выставки] / Российский аукционный дом. – СПб.: Рекламное агентство MCMG, 2012. – 32 с. Page 25