Sérigraphie Type d'oeuvre
Multiple (250 signed in ball-point pen and numbered with a r)Certificat délivré par
Revolver Gallery Signature
Signé mainDimensions hors cadre
36 x 36 in(91,44 x 91,44 cm)
Facture délivrée par
Revolver Gallery État
excellentRéf. catalogue raisonné
(FS II.91)Description de l'oeuvre
Mao (FS II.90)(1972)
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Mao 90 by Andy Warhol is a dazzling pop art portrait from the artist’s 1972 Mao series. It may be referred to as the “blue-green Mao,” or possibly the “blue Mao” in reference to the face alone. The portfolio is among some of Warhol’s most famous works of art, and is perhaps his most controversial. The Pop artist expanded beyond American culture in this 1972 collection, taking on a divisive political subject. Chairman Mao ruled China for nearly thirty years as a dictator, spawning the cult-like ideology known as Maoism. The concept intrigued Warhol, who was no stranger to mass appeal.