Sérigraphie Type d'oeuvre
Oeuvre originale (60)Certificat délivré par
Revolver Gallery Signature
Signé mainDimensions hors cadre
19,75 x 15,63 in(50,17 x 39,69 cm)
Facture délivrée par
Revolver Gallery État
excellentDescription de l'oeuvre
Dollar Sign, Yellow (FS II.278)
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Andy Warhol‘s Dollar Sign 278 (Yellow) is part of one of the artist’s most famous series, Dollar Sign from 1982. Warhol’s interest in wealth and money is evident in his literal emphasis on currency and the value that society puts on a simple symbol. Dollar Sign 278 (Yellow) green and yellow-colored dollar sign against a light background with yellow accents. Though the series is primarily comprised of small prints, they are some of Warhol’s most famous and recognized works. They symbolize the obsession with wealth and consumerism that fascinated Warhol throughout his career.