Sérigraphie Type d'oeuvre
Oeuvre originale (190)Certificat délivré par
Revolver Gallery Signature
Signé mainDimensions hors cadre
38 x 38 in(96,52 x 96,52 cm)
Facture délivrée par
Revolver Gallery État
excellentDescription de l'oeuvre
Van Heusen (Ronald Reagan) (FS II.356)(1985)
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As shown in Van Heusen 356, former United States President Ronald Reagan was featured in a series of advertisements for Van Heusen dress shirts while he was still an actor in the ‘50s and ‘60s. Warhol incorporated this print as part of his Ads portfolio. The iconic, clever, and ironic imagination of Andy Warhol found inspiration in the series of advertisements in juxtaposition with the former President. According to Donna De Salvo (2003) this series of screenprints for Warhol’s portfolio titled Ads 1985 are imbued with “slick and perfect surfaces” and “candy-coated renderings” characteristic of Andy Warhol’s Pop Art (Feldman p. 31).