AcryliqueType d'oeuvre
Oeuvre originaleSignature
bas droiteDimensions hors cadre
160 x 180 cm(62,99 x 70,87 in)
bonDescription de l'oeuvre
Lightness of Being(2016)
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“Time” artworks series.
This series, by Tanya Vasilenko, is devoted to the very difficult to understand and philosophically inexhaustible phenomenon of time. The artwork fuses together the artist’s interpretation of time and her paradoxical use of techniques. Art, being in many respects the philosophical discipline that comprehends a person and their place in the flow of history, deals with the phenomenon of time constantly.
The basic periods in the history of human civilization - Ancient Egypt, the Renaissance, and the New Age - are taken as style reference points. Each of these periods has its own understanding of time and its values, and therefore formed a certain personality, a true hero of their time. Such a person leaves a unique trace in the history of time. This does not happen by accident.