AquatinteType d'oeuvre
Multiple (30)Certificat délivré par
Signé mainDimensions hors cadre
65 x 50 cm(25,59 x 19,69 in)
Facture délivrée par
Alain ClémentÉtat
excellentDescription de l'oeuvre
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Aquatinte on BFK Rives paper - Unframed.
Clément's work fluctuates between painting and sculpture, a back and forth that both results from, and contributes to, an ongoing exchange of ideas.
The medium of painting offers Clément an arena in which gestural freedom, physicality, experimentation and immediacy can lead to the development of curved, graphic expressions of color and line, which may then be simplified and extended further into space as sculptural forms.
Image's size: 49 x 39.5 cm /19.2 x 15.5 inches
Edition of 30.