PastelType d'oeuvre
Oeuvre originaleSignature
bas droiteDimensions hors cadre
32 x 47 cm(12,6 x 18,5 in)
Description de l'oeuvre
Zygmunt Szreter SCHRETTER
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(Pologne) 1886 / (France) 1977
Schretter studies in a Russian school in Lodz .
In 1914, Schreter went to Karlsbadhe, Germany and, overtaken by World War I, he ends up as a Russian civilian prisoner.
In 1923, Zygmund Schreter studies in Berlin with Martin Brandenbourg and Lovis Corinth at the free Academy of Levine Funke where he meets several artists that he will meet again in Montparnasse. During these years, Schreter earns his living above all with his violin and plays with the Berlin Philharmonic orchestra or at the Max Reinhart theatre. At the same time, he exhibits in 1927 some watercolours in Lodz.
In 1929, he takes part in Berlin in an exhibition organised by the famous graphic artist Kathe Kollwitz.
Schreter arrives in France in 1934,
Provenance: Museum Asdot Yaacov, Israel