TemperaType d'oeuvre
Oeuvre originaleCertificat délivré par
Pest Control OfficeSignature
baseDimensions hors cadre
60 x 56 cm(23,62 x 22,05 in)
Dimensions avec cadre
90 x 75 cm(35,43 x 29,53 in)
excellentDescription de l'oeuvre
"I wanted wine women and song. I got a drunk woman singing"(2005)
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Banksy "I wanted wine women and song. I got a drunk woman singing." 2005.
stencilled spray paint, emulsion, plywood
60 x 56 cm (23 5/8 x 22 in.)
This work is unique, stencilled by the artist and is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity issued by Pest Control.