biographie de Robertson K. MYGATT (1861-1919)

Addresses: NYC, entire career/Ridgefield CT, part-time, from 1916

Profession: Landscape painter, etchercatlin

Studied: ASL with John Twachtman & William Merritt Chase, 1888-89

Exhibited: World's Columbian Expo, Chicago, 1893; PAFA Ann., 1893-1906 (4 times); AIC, 1895-96; SAA, 1896-1906; Salmagundi Club, frequently, 1898-1919; Wunderlich Gal., NYC, 1900 (two person show, with Roland Rood); St. Louis Expo, 1904 (silver medal); BAC, 1905; NAD, 1906; Ipswich Paris House, 1906; Soc. Indep. Artists, 1917; Louis Katz Gal., NYC, 1916 (solo); Riverdale (NY) Gal., 1991 (solo); Bowdoin College Art Mus.; Wm. Benton Art Mus., Univ. Conn.

Member: Salmagundi Club; Artists Fund Soc.; SAA; NY WCCS

Work: Bowdoin College Mus. Art, ME

Comments: Worked in American Barbizon, Tonalist, and Impressionist styles. Friend of J. Francis Murphy.

Sources: WW19; exhibition brochure, Robertson Kirtland Mygatt" (Riverdale (NY) Gal., Riverdale, 1991), provided by author Barbara Zitzwitz, Hudson River Gal., Dobbs Ferry, NY, 1998; Art in Conn.: The Impressionist Years (cites birthdate of 1861)."

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