biographie de James P. WHARTON (1893-1963)

Birth place: Waterloo, SC

Addresses: Takoma Park, MD

Profession: Educator, painter, educator, illustrator, lithographer

Studied: …cole des Beaux-Arts, Dijon, France; Lander Col.; Wofford Col.; Duke Univ. (A.B.); Univ. Guanajuato, Mexico (M.F.A.); Maryland AI, and with Wayman Adams, Leon Kroll, Robert Brackman, Maurice Davidson

Exhibited: SSAL; Wash. Art Club; High Mus. Art, 1937 (prize); Columbus (GA) Art Club; San Miguel de Allende, Mexico; Manila, Philippines; BMA, 1944 (prize); Maryland AI; Balt. Charcoal Club; Balt. WCC, 1954 (prize).

Member: SSAL; Georgia AA; Balt. WCC; Balt. Charcoal Club

Work: Lib., Fort Benning; paintings, Nat. Radio Inst. Am.; St. Mary's (MD) College; Univ. Maryland.

Comments: Positions: head, Manila Art Sch., 1938-40; Columbus Sch. Art, 1934-38; art professor/head, art dept., Univ. Maryland, College Park, 1948-. Contributor to magazine section, feature page, It Happened in Georgia," Sunday Magazine Section, Atlanta Journal, from 1936; Balt. Sunday Sun, Life magazine, Army publications, covers for Infantry Journal.

Sources: WW66; WW40."

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