biographie de Marion HUSE (1896-1967)

Birth place: Lynn, MA

Addresses: Springfield, MA, 1924-on; North Pownal, VT, 1947; Boston, 1959

Profession: Painter, teacher, lithographer, screenprinter

Studied: New Sch. Des., Boston, 1915-19; CI, 1919; Cape Cod Sch. Art with Charles Hawthorne, early 1920s; with D.J. Connah; H.S. Hubbell.

Exhibited: Springfield A. Lg., 1925, 1936, 1941 (prizes); CAFA, 1933 (prize); Salons of Am., 1934; Albany IA, 1938, 1944 (prizes); Paris, France, 1947; Liege, Belgium, 1948; Haarlem, Holland, 1948; Gal. de I'Odeon, Paris, 1954; Gal. André, Paris, 1947; Heritage Plantation, Sandwich, Mass., 1987 (retrospective); Childs Gal., Boston, 1990s

Member: Southern Vermont A.; Silvermine Gld. A.; Nat. Ser. Soc.; Am. Color Pr. Soc.

Work: Williams College Mus. A., Williamstown, Mass.; Wood Gal. A., Montpelier, Vt.; Bennington (Vt.) Mus. Hist. & A.; BMFA; Alabama Polytechnic Inst.; AM Assn. Univ. Women; Univ. Wisconsin; LOC; U.S. State Dept.; Howard Univ.; VMFA; Victoria & Albert Mus., London; Nelson Gal. A.; Tel-Aviv Mus.; State T. Col., Albany. NY; Munson-Williams-Proctor Inst.

Comments: From 1923-24, she returned to teach at her alma mater, the New Sch. Des., Boston. In 1924 she opened her studio in Springfield, Mass., and from 1925-40 ran (and taught at) the Springfield School of Art. During the 1930s she worked for the WPA, and in 1936 was superintendent for her area. She also taught at the Albany Inst. Hist. & A. She produced screenprints and monotypes.

Sources: WW59; WW47; Childs Gallery Bulletin

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