biographie de Paul CROTTO (1922-2016)
Birth place: New York, NY
Addresses: Paris, France
Profession: Painter, sculptor
Studied: ASL New York; Beaux-Arts, Florence, Italy; also with Fernand Léger, Paris, France.
Exhibited: Mostra Artisti Am, Florence, 1951; Mostra Int, Bordighera, Italy, 1953; Am Painters in France, Galerie Craven, Paris, 1953; Salon Automne, Paris, 1956; Salon Comparaisons, MOMA, Paris, 1968. Awards: Prix Int de peinture, Villeneuve-sur-Lot, 1963.
Member: Soc Coop Entre Aide Artistes.
Work: Villeneuve-sur-Lot Mus, France; Mus Art Int, San Francisco, Calif; Galerie Grave, Munich, Ger. Commissions: Portraits, L E Kaplan, New York & Robert Aries, Paris.
Comments: Preferred Media: Oils. Dealer: Van der Straeten Gallery of Contemporary Artists, New York, NY.
Sources: WW73; T Ehrenmark, American artist in Sweden (Dagens Nyheter, 1963); A Blasco Ibanez , American artist in Paris," Los Angeles Herald Examr, 1968; Betty Werther, Art (Time-Life, Paris, 1969)."