biographie de Benjamin BENNO (1901-1980)

Birth place: London, England

Addresses: NYC, 1912

Profession: Painter, sculptor

Studied: Ferrer School, NYC, 1912-15, with Robert Henri and George Bellows; Beaux-Arts Inst., NYC, 1914-17, with Solon Borglum, John Gutzon de la Mothe; Guggenheim Mem. fellow, Europe, 1932-33.

Exhibited: Whitney Studio Club, 1916-22; WMAA, 1920-24, 1933; New Gal., NYC, 1923 (first solo); New School Soc. Research, NYC, 1931; Vassar College, 1939 (retrospective); SFMA, 1939 (retrospective); Chicago AC, 1939 (retrospective); Norlyst Gal., 1940; Pinacotheca Gal., NYC, 1940; Passedoit Gal., NYC, 1941; Riverside Mus., 1943; Corcoran Gal., 1943; Hillel Fnd. traveling exhib., 1953-54; Lotte Jacobi Gal., NYC, 1954; in many gals. in Paris, London, Norway, Czechoslovakia, Tunis, Africa, 1934-39; Pastels from the Years 1930-59, Collector's Gal., NYC, 1959; Poetic Image, Paintings with Group, Amel Gal., NYC, 1961-62; Drawings from the Years 1926-61, Greer Gal., NYC, 1962; Montana State Univ, Missoula, 1964 (retrospective, 1933-61).

Work: Fogg MA, Cambridge, MA; BM; BMA; SFMA.

Comments: Immigrated to the U.S. in 1912. From 1917-25, he was a cook"s mate aboard tramp steamers, and from 1926-39 he was in Paris, all the while developing an abstract style in painting. He was captain of a scow until 1956, then a cab driver until 1964 ó yet he continued to paint and exhibit. His birth name was Benjamin Greenstein, but he adopted the name "Benno" in 1930. Teaching: Brooklyn Children's Mus., 1941-42; private classes in drawing & painting, 1948-55; Montana State Univ., summer 1964.

Sources: WW73; WW19 (as Benjamin Greenstein of NYC); Gertrude Stein, Everybody's Autobiography (Heineman, London, 1937); Henry Miller, Chez Benno," London Bulletin (May, 1938); Waldemar George, "Le Salon de Surindependents," Arts & MÈtiers Graphique (Jan. 1, 1939). More recently, see Am. Abstract Art, 177."

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