biographie de Jack ZAJAC (1929)

Birth place: Youngstown, OH

Addresses: Fontana, CA, 1951; Rome, Italy, 1973

Profession: Sculptor, painter

Studied: Scripps College, 1949-53; also with Millard Sheets, Henry McFee & Sueo Serisawa; Am. Acad. in Rome.

Exhibited: PAFA Ann., 1951, 1962; WMAA, 1959-60; Drawings by Sculptors, Smithsonian Inst., circulated in the US, 1961-63; Am. Painting, VMFA, 1962; MoMA, 1962-63; Newport Harbor Art Mus., Balboa, CA, 1965 (retrospective) & Temple Univ., Rome, 1969 (retrospective); Fairweather Hardin Gal., Chicago, 1970s. Awards: Prix de Rome, 1954, 1956 & 1957; Am. Acad. Arts & Letters grant, 1958; Guggenheim fellowship, 1959.

Work: MoMA; LACMA; PAFA; Milwaukee AI; Nelson Gal. Art, Kansas City, MO. Commissions: Reynolds Metals Co., 1968.

Comments: Teaching: instructor, Pomona College, 1959.

Sources: WW73; Henry J. Seldis & Ulfert Wilke, The Sculpture of Jack Zajac, Gallard Press, 1960; Allen S. Weller, The Joys and Sorrows of Recent American Art, Univ. Illinois, 1968.

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