biographie de Alice Barber STEPHENS (1858-1932)

Birth place: near Salem, NJ

Death place: Moylan, PA

Addresses: Phila., Moyland, PA

Profession: Illustrator, painter, teacher, photographer, engraver

Studied: PAFA with T. Eakins (made some wood engravings of his work for him); J. Dalziel (wood engraving), Phila. School Des. for Women; Académie Julian and Acad. Colarossi, Paris.

Exhibited: PAFA, 16 annuals between 1879-1905 (1890 Mary Smith Prize); Boston AC, 1883-84, 1886; NAD, 1884; Paris Salon, 1887; Plastic Club; Universal Expo, Paris, 1890 (bronze medal); Columbian Expo., Chicago, 1893; Atlanta Expo, 1895 (medal); Expo of Women's Work, Earl's Court, London, 1899 (gold medal for illus. of Elliot's Middlemarch); AIC, 1905.

Member: Plastic Club, 1897 (founder).

Work: LOC; Phila. Hist. Soc.

Comments: Painter in oil, watercolor, charcoal (portraits, landscapes). During the first decade of the century she adopted an art nouveau style similar to that of Jessie Wilcox Smith, Elizabeth Shippen Green, and Violet Oakley. After 1912 her style became more decorative and sentimental. She was one of the most successful illustrators of the late 19th century. Illustrator of books for Louisa May Alcott, Lucy Lillie, Arthur Conan Doyle, Kate Douglas Wiggins, Nathaniel Hawthorne; for Harper's, Century,Scribner's and Collier's. Teaching: Phila. Sch. Des. for Women (where she started the first life-drawing class just for women).

Sources: WW31; Helen Goodman, article in American Artist (Apr., 1984, p.46); Tufts, American Women Artists, cat. nos. 43-44; Rubinstein, American Women Artists, 145-46; Falk, Exh. Record Series.

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