biographie de Frank B. HOFFMAN (1888-1958)

Birth place: Chicago, IL

Addresses: Taos, NM

Profession: Painter, sculptor, illustrator

Studied: Wellington Reynolds, c.1910-15; Leon Gaspard; John Singer Sargent.

Exhibited: AIC; Harwood Gal., Taos, NM

Work: Adams Coll.

Comments: Grew up in New Orleans around his father's racing stables. He made sketches for the Chicago American, and later became art dept. head. He went west in 1916 and worked for Glacier Nat. Park where he met John Singer Sargent. In 1920 he was part of the art colony at Taos. One of New Mexico's most successful illustrators, his Western subjects appeared in national magazines in the late 1920s. In the 1940s he worked exclusively for Brown and Bigelow, producing calendar art.

Sources: WW59; WW47; P&H Samuels, 230; The Cúur d'Alene Art Auction, July 25, 1998.

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