biographie de Henry FARRER (1843-1903)

Birth place: London

Death place: Brooklyn, NY

Addresses: NYC, Brooklyn, NY

Profession: Painter, etcher, illustrator

Exhibited: Brooklyn AA, 1867-84; Boston AC, 1881-82, 1888; NAD, 1867-81; AWCS; BMFA, 1881; PAFA, 1884, 1889; Parrish AM, 1984 ("Painter-Etchers" exhib.); AIC.

Member: New York Etching CIub (pres.); AWCS (a founder in 1866); Artists Fund Soc.; Philadelphia Soc. Etchers, 1885; Fellow, Royal Soc. Painter-Etchers, London, 1882.

Comments: He came to the U.S. in 1861, and by 1864 began etching. From 1870-77, he produced a series of etched views of old New York. By the 1880s, he was producing Tonalist landscapes, specializing in sunsets and atmospheric effects. He was an important part of the etching revival, receiving equal acclaim as a painter. A founder of the Am. Soc. of Painters in Watercolor, he helped to popularize the exhibition and collection of works in watercolor in the 1860s. Still lifes by Farrer are typically of fruits or single flowers, but sometimes also picture Oriental art objects which he collected.

Sources: WW01; Pisano, The Long Island Landscape, n.p.; American Painter-Etcher Movement p.25; For Beauty and for Truth, 50 (w/repro.); Falk, Exh. Record Series.

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