biographie de Louis Agassiz FUERTES (1874-1927)

Birth place: Ithaca, NY

Death place: near Unadilla, NY

Addresses: Ithaca, NY

Profession: Mural painter, illustrator

Studied: with Abbott H. Thayer.

Exhibited: S. Indp. A., 1918; AIC, 1925; PAFA, 1925

Work: Field Mus. of Nat. Hist., Chicago; habitat groups, Am. Mus. Nat. Hist.; murals, Flamingo Hotel, Miami Beach; paintings, N.Y. Zoological Soc.; bird group, State Mus., Albany.

Comments: He was named after the great naturalist Louis Agassiz and proceeded to become one of the premier American illustrators of birds and animal life. He went on expeditions throughout North America, Mexico, Colombia, the West Indies, Europe and Africa, creating extraordinarily exact images of the birds' appearances and behavior from memory. Illus.: Eaton's Birds of New York; The Woodpeckers; Birds of the Rockies; Burgess's Animal Book for Children, and others. He also prepared habitat groups for the American Mus. of Natural Hist., NYC. Position: L., Ornithology, Cornell.

Sources: WW25; 300 Years of American Art, 659; Falk, Exh. Record Series.

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