biographie de Henry Clarence PITZ (1895-1976)

Birth place: Philadelphia, PA

Death place: Phila.

Addresses: Norristown, Plymouth Meeting, PA; Phila., PA

Profession: Painter, writer, lithographer, illustrator, educator

Studied: PMA Sch. (grad); Spring Garden Inst. (grad.)

Exhibited: LACMA, 1932 (med); PAFA, 1930-69, (1934, Dana gold med.); PAFA Ann., 1936, 1943, 1954; PM Sch IA, 1934 (prize); Paris Salon, 1934 (prize); Phila. Pr. C., 1937 (prize); NAD, 1950-72; AIC; Stockholm, Sweden; PMA; AWCS, 1932 (prize), 1933-37, 1944, 1946-68; BM; BMA; Wilmington Soc. FA; Ogunquit A. Center, 1932-32 (prize); Denver A. Mus., 1934 (prize); Southern PM Soc., 1937 (prize); Int. Expo, Paris, 1938 ( bronze med.); WFNY, 1939; Phila. A. All., 1941 (prize); Nat. Gal. Art, Wash., DC,1970 (Exhib. of Space Artists); Philadelphia Athenaeum,1970 (literary award med.); Phoenix Art Mus., Ariz., 1972 ( Exhib. Western Artists).

Member: Phila. A. All. (v. pres. in charge art, 1933-59, bd. dirs., 1942-); AWCS; Phila. Sketch C.; Phila. Pr. C.; Audubon A.; A. Lg. Am.; Folio C.; Phila. WCC; Southern PM Soc.; NAD; hon. mem. Soc. Illustrators; Woodmere A. Gal. (bd. trustees, 1968-); Philobiblon Cl.

Work: PAFA; NGA; PMA; NAD; LOC; LACMA; NYPL; Denver A. Mus.; Allentown Mus.; Franklin Inst., Phila.; West Phila. H.S.; Woodrow Wilson Jr. H.S., Phila.; Miami Univ.; Vanderpoel Coll., Chicago; Artist Gld., Denver. Commissions: three mural panels commissioned by Smithsonian Inst. for Chicago World's Fair; illusr. for five classics, Limited Ed. Club, 1952-67; off. NASA artist, Apollo 10 Flight, 1969; off. artist, US Environ. Protection Agency, 1972.

Comments: Preferred media: watercolors, oils, acrylics. Positions: pres., Philadelphia Sketch Club, 1936-39; assoc. ed., Am. Artist, 1942-; bd. ed., Am. Artist Bk. Club, 1968-. t., PM Sch. IA (1934-46), PAFA (summer session, 1938-), Univ. Pa. (1941) Publications: auth., "Treasury of American Book Illustrations," 1941; auth., "Ink Drawing Techniques," 1957; co-auth.," Early American Dress," 1962; auth., "The Brandywine Tradition," 1969; auth., "Charcoal Drawing," 1971. Teaching: prof. decoration & illus. & dir. dept., Philadelphia Col. Art, 1934-60; instr. drawing, & watercolor, PAFA, summers 1937-42; vis. lectr. art, Univ. Pa., 1942. Research: artists of Brandywine Valley, Pa; art techniques.

Sources: WW73; Ernest W. Watson, Forty illustrators; add'l info. courtesy Anthony R. White, Burlingame, CA; Falk, Exh. Record Series.

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