biographie de Blanche Wingert LUCAS (1888-?)

Birth place: Alburtis, PA

Addresses: Allentown, PA

Profession: Painter, teacher, writer, lecturer

Studied: Bloomsburg State T. Col.; Kutztown State T. Col.; NY Univ. (B.S.); Lehigh Univ. (M.A.); and with Walter Baum; also with Franz Cizek, Vienna and Augustus John, London, England.

Exhibited: in college gals. and art museum education gals., nationally, 1936-57, incl. S. Indp. A., 1929. Specializes in Child Art with exhibitions in England, Holland, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Scotland and Italy.

Member: AAUW; Allentown Woman's Cl.; A.T. Gld., London; A. All.; British A. Gld. (life)

Work: many priv. colls.; Everhart Mus. A.; Allentown Pub. Lib. and Hospital; New Milford, Conn. and Galax, Va. hospitals.

Comments: Position: art supv., Allentown Pub. Schs., 1917-53; consultant, adv., Victoria & Albert Mus., London, England, 1935-36. Lectures: Art in Our Public Schools. Contributor to School Arts magazine and to many school journals; Am. Poetry Magazine; Ladies" Home Journal, and others.

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