biographie de George Fleming WHITE (1868-?)

Birth place: Des Moines, IA

Addresses: Des Moines, IA

Profession: Painter and commercial artist

Studied: with several teachers in Des Moines, including Richter, Henry Steinbach, C.E. Baldwin, C.A. Cumming; ASL, with Carol Beckwith and Kenyon Cox; Munich, with A. Azbe, R. Frank.

Exhibited: Des Moines Women's Club, 1926 (gold, silver and bronze medals); Iowa Art Salon, 1927 (first in watercolor), 1928 (fourth in watercolor), 1929 (hon. men.), 1930-31; Water Color Show, PAFA; Philadelphia WCC Exhibit; Iowa Artists Club; Iowa Federation Women's Clubs Exhibit, 1932; Iowa State Fair, almost every year from 1884-1900.

Member: Iowa Artists Club.

Sources: WW25; Ness & Orwig, Iowa Artists of the First Hundred Years, 220.

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