biographie de Marjorie Nielsen GEHNER (1909-?)

Birth place: Florence, WI

Addresses: Leonia, NJ

Profession: Painter

Studied: Ripon College, 1926-28; Univ. Wisconsin, Milwaukee, with Gustav Miller, B.E., 1931; New School Social Res., with Emilio Egas, 1935-36; Columbia Univ., with Arthur Young, prof. diploma, 1961.

Exhibited: S. Indp. A., 1935-37; traveling exhibs, AWCS, 1968, NAWA, France, 1969 & USA, 1972. Awards: Goldie Paley award, NAWA, 1961; ann. show award, Fed. Womens Club, Leonia, 1964; ann. show award, Am. Assn. Univ. Women, 1970.

Member: AWCS; NAWA

Work: Ripon College, WI; Leonia Public Library, NJ

Comments: Preferred media: oils, watercolors. Teaching: art instructor, Milwaukee Public Schools, WI, 1930-31; art instructor, Children's Mus., Long Island, NY, 1934-38; art instructor, Leonia Public Schools, NJ, 1954-55.

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