biographie de William P. WELSH (1889-c.1984)

Birth place: Lexington, KY

Addresses: Chicago, IL; Lexington, KY

Profession: Portrait painter, illustrator, muralist

Studied: Mary Kinkead, 1904-06; ASL with F.V. DuMond; Académie Julian, Paris with Baschet and Royer, 1906-07; Acad. Delecluse, 1909-10.

Exhibited: H.P. Whitney Mural Competition, 1910 (prize); AIC, 1920-41; First Int. Water Color Exhib., 1921 (prize); Tribune Mural Competition, 1922 (prize); Int. Poster Competition, Chicago World's Fair poster (prize); Annal Exhib. Adv. Art for black and white drawing, 1930 (medal); Poster NY, 1931 (prize); Chicago Soc. Typog. Arts, 1936 (medal); J. B. Speed A. Mus., 1956 (retrospective); Cadet Library, U.S. Military Academy, West Point.

Member: SI

Work: AIC; mural dec., Men's CafÈ, Palmer House Hotel, Chicago; Univ. Kentucky Art Mus., Lexington

Comments: Served in France during WWI and became an instructor, College of Fine and Applied Arts, Beaune, Côte d'Or. Worked in Chicago from 1919-42 and re-entered the military until the end of WWII. Illustrator: covers, Woman"s Home Companion.

Sources: WW40; Jones and Weber, The Kentucky Painter from the Frontier Era to the Great War, 70 (w/repro.)

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