biographie de Rudolph STANLEY-BROWN (1889-1944)

Birth place: Mendon, OH

Death place: Wash., DC

Addresses: Cleveland Heights, OH; Wash., DC, c.1935

Profession: Etcher, painter, architect

Studied: Columbia Sch. Arch.; …cole des Beaux Arts, Paris.

Exhibited: Wash. WCC, 1924, 1926, 1927; Greater Wash. Indep. Exh., 1935

Member: IAI; Soc. Beaux Arts Arch.; Cleveland PM; Cleveland Print Club; Cosmos Club, Wash., DC (1938-44)

Work: CMA; Yale Art Mus.

Comments: Grandson of President James A. Garfield.

Sources: WW32; McMahan, Artists of Washington, DC

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