biographie de Wilbur G. KURTZ (1882-1967)

Birth place: Oakland, IL

Addresses: Atlanta, GA

Profession: Painter, illustrator, writer

Studied: DePauw Univ.; AIC; & with George Elmer Browne.

Exhibited: Awards: prizes, Atlanta AA, 1916, 1932.

Member: Atlanta Hist. Soc.; Atlanta AA.

Work: Atlanta Women's Club, Clark Howell Sch., Fed. Reserve Bank, First Nat. Bank, Hist. Soc., Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, 10th Street Public Sch., Governor's mansion (mural), First Fed. Savings & Loan (mural), Piedmont Driving Club, all of Atlanta, GA; Chattanooga Pub. Lib.; murals, Nat. Bank of Abbeville, SC; Macon (GA) Auditorium; Auditorium, Capitol Homes Housing Project, Atlanta, GA.

Comments: Contributor of articles & illustrations to Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta Journal. Technical director/historian, "Gone With the Wind," Selznick Intl. Pictures, Inc.

Sources: WW53; WW47.

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