biographie de Benjamin Jr ROWLAND (1904-1972)

Birth place: Overbrook, PA

Addresses: Cambridge, MA

Profession: Educator, writer, painter, lecturer

Studied: Harvard Col. (B.S.); Harvard Univ. (Ph.D.)

Exhibited: WMAA, 1949-50; New Hampshire AA, 1951; PAFA, 1953; Boston A. Festival, 1954, 1956, 1957, 1961; solo: Doll & Richards, Boston, 1949, 1950, 1952, 1954, 1962; BMA, 1949; Detroit Inst. A., 1952; Cal. PLH, 1953.

Member: Royal Soc. Arts, London; Am. Archaeological Assn.; Am. Oriental Soc.; Am. Inst. for Iranian A.Boston Soc. WC Painters; Chinese A. Soc. (ed.).

Work: BMFA; FMA; Detroit Inst. A.; CAM.

Comments: Position: instr., 1930-35, asst. prof., 1935-40, assoc. prof., 1940-50, prof., 1950-, Fogg Art Museum, Harvard Univ., Cambridge Mass. Author: Jaume Huguet," 1932; "Wall-Paintings of India, Central Asia and Ceylon," 1938; ed., translator: "The Wall-Paintings of Horyuji," 1944; author: "Harvard Outline and Reading Lists for Oriental Art," 1959; "Art and Architecture of India," 1953, 1959; "Art in East and West," 1955, paperback ed., 1964, Russian ed., 1958, Japanese ed., 1964; "The Classical Tradition in Western Art," 1963. Contributor to art publications.

Sources: WW66; WW47."

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