biographie de Ethel M. Parsons PAULLIN (XX)

Birth place: Chardon, OH

Addresses: NYC

Profession: Painter, engraver, textile designer

Studied: BMFA Sch.; ASL.

Exhibited: Salons of Am., 1934.

Member: NSMP.

Work: St. Bartholomew's Church, Church of St. Vincent Ferrer, NY; St. Stephen's Church, Stevens Point, WI; Fed. Bldg., Albany, NY; Mutual Casualty Ins. Bldg.; Stevens Point, WI; Christ Church, West Haven, CT; Trinity Church, Ft. Wayne, IN; Church of the Epiphany, Roslyn, LI, NY; Brooke General Hospital Chapel, U.S. Army, San Antonio, TX; stained glass windows: Dana Chapel, Madison Ave. Presbyterian Church, N.Y; St. John's Episcopal Church, Bernardsville, NJ, 1961; portrait, ex-pres., John Henry Barrows, Oberlin College, 1958; 30 religious triptychs for U.S. Armed Forces. 1962-64

Comments: Position: des., handwoven tapestries and decorations, Herter Looms, NYC.

Sources: WW66; WW47.

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