biographie de Philip HOFER (1898-?)

Birth place: Cincinnati, OH

Addresses: Cambridge 38, MA

Profession: Museum secretary, designer, writer, lecturer, teacher

Studied: Pomfret Sch., CT; Harvard College (A.B.); Harvard Univ. (A.M.); hon. Phi Beta Kappa, Harvard, 1955; Bates College, Lewiston, ME (hon. D.F.A., 1963); Signet Medal for Arts, Harvard Univ., 1964.

Exhibited: Awards:

Member: Mass. Hist. Soc.; Atheneum, London: Am. Acad. Arts & Sciences; Grolier Club; Century Assn.; Club of Odd Volumes, Boston; Council of Foreign Relations, NY

Comments: Positions: trustee: Corning Glass Mus., BMFA, Boston Atheneum, Groton Sch., Boys' Club of Boston; sec., Fogg Art Mus., Harvard Univ., 1952-1965; Rhinelander Fnd.; advisor, Spencer Coll., NYPL, 1930-34; asst. dir., Morgan Lib., 1934-38; curator/founder, Dept. Graphic Art, Harvard Lib., 1938-; lecturer FA, Harvard Univ., 1938-. Co-auth./ed., The Artist and The Book: 1860-1960, BMFA, 1961; ed./co-auth.: The Drawings of Fragonard", 1947; auth., "A Survey of Baroque Illustration," 1951. Contributor to Gazette des Beaux-Arts; Print Collector's Quarterly; The Colophon & New Colophon; Harvard Library Bulletin, and others. Lectures on gGraphic arts; Lowell Lectures, Boston, 1954, 1962; Lyell Reader in Bibliography, Oxford Univ., 1961-62. "

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