biographie de Jim WILLER (1921)

Birth place: Fulham, England

Addresses: West Vancouver, BC, Canada

Profession: Sculptor, painter

Studied: Hornsey School Art, London, England; Royal Acad., Amsterdam; Winnipeg School Art & Univ. Manitoba, B.A., 1952.

Exhibited: Canadian Scholar Winner's Abroad Exh., Nat. Gallery Ottawa, 1956; Canadian Biennial, 1956-57; Univ. Manitoba Exh. Winnipeg Artists, 1961; Sculpture 1967, Toronto City Hall, 1967; 3D into the '70s, East Canada on Tour, 1970; Bau-xi Gallery, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 1970s. Awards: Canadian Govt. overseas grant, 1954; Canadian award to Netherlands, Imp. Tobacco, 1967-68; Greenwin Awards Arts, Al Latner, Toronto, 1969.

Member: Canadian Artists (rep.).

Work: Nat. Gallery Canada, Ottawa; Winnipeg Art Gallery, Manitoba; Univ. Winnipeg; Univ. Manitoba, Winnipeg. Commissions: sun dial & two hanging screens, Polo Park Shopping Center, Winnipeg, 1959; sculpture, Charleswood Hotel, Winnipeg, 1961; marble portrait, Mrs. William Morton, Sackville, NB, 1963; red square, Greenwin Award for Arts, Toronto, 1969; five murals for Image I, Vancouver, 1970-71.

Comments: Publications: author, Paramind, McClelland, 1972. Teaching: design instructor, Vancouver School Art, 1964-65.

Sources: WW73; interview, CBC-TV, 1959; Polo Park Sculpture," Canadian Art, 1959; "3 Part Sculpture," Art Int., 1968. "

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