biographie de Edwin Burdett TUNIS (1897-1973)

Birth place: Cold Spring Harbor, NY

Death place: Reisterstown, MD?

Addresses: Reisterstown, MD

Profession: Writer, illustrator, painter, designer, engraver

Studied: Md Inst; also with CY Turner, Joseph Lauber & Hugh Breckenridge.

Exhibited: WFNY, 1939. Awards: Gold medal for Wheels, Boys' Club Am, 1956; Edison Fund Award for Colonial Living, 1957.

Member: Baltimore WCC; Pen Club; Author's Guild.

Work: Commissions: Murals, McCormick & Co, Baltimore, Title Guarantee Co & City Hosp, Baltimore, Md; Aberdeen Proving Ground.

Comments: Publications: Illustrator; Eat, Drink and Be Merry in Maryland," 1932, "You'll Find It in Maryland," 1945, "Seventeen." Auth & illusr, "Frontier Living," 1961, "Colonial Craftsmen," 1965; "Shaw's Fortune," 1966 & "Young United States," 1968, World Publ; "Chipmunks on the Doorstep," TY Crowell, 1971. Contributor: House Beautiful, Better Homes and Gardens.

Sources: WW73; WW47."

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