biographie de James R. SHIPLEY (1910-1990)

Birth place: Marion, OH

Addresses: Champaign, IL

Profession: Educator, designer

Studied: Cleveland Inst. Art (diploma, 1935), with Viktor Schreckengost; Western Reserve Univ. (B.S., 1936); Univ. Southern Calif.; Inst. Design, Chicago; Univ. Illinois (A.M., 1948)

Exhibited: May Show, Cleveland Mus. Art, 1935; Michigan Artists Ann., Detroit IA, 1937. Awards: Univ. Illinois Research Board grant, visual pollution, 1970-72.

Member: Nat. Assn. Schools Art (vice-pres., 1960-61; pres, 1961-63); Midwest College AA (vice-pres., 1960-61; pres., 1961-62; chmn. accreditation committee, 1963-70); Indust. Designers Soc. Am. (educ. committee, 1965-70); Advisory Panel Visual Arts, Illinois Arts Council.

Comments: Positions: commercial artist, J.H. Maish Advertising Agency, Marion, OH, 1929-31; designer, Gen. Motors Corp., Detroit, 1936-38; free lance designer & art director, various Midwestern firms, 1944-. Publications: author, Programs in Art in the State Universities," Print, 1-2/1960; author, "Interior Design," Small Homes Council, revised edition, 1969; co-author, "The New Artist," Contemporary American Painting and Sculpture 1969, Univ. Illinois Press, 1969; contributor, "Graduate Education in the Humanities and the Arts," State Illinois Board Higher Educ., 1970. Teaching: art professor & head dept. art & design, Univ. Illinois, Champaign, 1939-; instructor of product design, Inst. Design, Chicago, summer 1948; acad. director design, Advanced Studies for Designers, Inst. Contemporary Art, Boston, MA, summer 1958."

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