biographie de Francis Joseph QUIRK (1907-1974)

Birth place: Pawtucket, RI

Addresses: Rydal, PA; Bethlehem, PA

Profession: Painter, museum director, designer, teacher, writer, lecturer

Studied: RISD (grad., 1929); Univ. Penn., 1942; Provincetown Sch. Art; Woodstock, NY; Italy, France; Germany; Czechoslovakia; J.R. Frazier; F. Sisson.

Exhibited: PAFA; PMA; NAD; CGA; Buffalo & Syracuse, NY; Newport, RI; Portland, ME; Providence, RI; Phoenix Gal., NYC, 1970s; Ogunquit Gal., ME, 1970s. Awards: RISD (prize); Providence AC (prize); Tiffany Found. fellowship, 1940; Lineback Award, 1965; Ossabaw Island Project, 1968 & 1972.

Member: Phila. AC; Univ. Club; AAPL; Art All. Phila.; Am. Assn. Mus.; AFA

Work: NPG; Canton (OH) Art Inst.; Georgia MA, Athens; Univ. Notre Dame, Inc. Commissions: portrait of Pres. Strider, Colby College Alumni, ME; portrait of Dr. John Leitner, bd. dir., Monroe Co. Medical Center; portrait of pres., Lehigh Univ.; portrait of Carl Sandberg, commissioned by Pres. Abby Sutherland Brown, Ogontz College, PA; portrait of Edgar Lee Masters, commissioned by Writers Guild PA.

Comments: Preferred media: oils, acrylics, watercolors, charcoal, pastel, ink. Teaching: Montgomery Sch., 1930-35, 1938-45; Ogontz College, PA, 1935-50; Hussian Sch. Arts, Philadelphia, 1943-50; chmn. fine arts, Lehigh Univ., 1950-69. Position: dir. exhs., Lehigh Univ., 1950-; cur. permanent coll., 1959-. Publications: These Our Own" (TV program), WFIG TV, 1959-61; "Art & Us" (TV & radio program), Lehigh Valley & Easton, 1961; auth., "Maurice Prendergast," Arizona State Univ., 1965. Art interests: library and art collection of the Ossabaw Island Project. Collection: Oriental prints; contemp. Am. prints; primitive Am. paintings.

Sources: WW73; WW47."

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