biographie de Mildred Young PNEUMAN (1899-1989)

Birth place: Oskaloosa, IA

Addresses: Gary, IN; Boulder, CO; Walnut Creek, CA

Profession: Painter, serigrapher

Studied: Univ. Colorado (B.A. & B.Ed., 1921; M.F.A., 1947); J. Rennell

Exhibited: Gary Civic Art Fnd., 1937 (prize); Phila. Color. Print Soc., 1945; Hoosier Salon, 1928-40; Marshall Field's, Chicago, IL, 1928-40; Denver Art Mus., 1944; Boulder Art Guild, 1954-61; Mus. New Mexico; Univ. Wyoming; Am. Color Print Soc.; Colorado State Fairs, 1965-68 (award 1944); Denver Metrop., 1969; Northern Colorado Exhibs., Boulder Art Assn., 1970; Tri Kappa Prizes, 1937, 1965-66.

Member: Boulder Artists Guild (pres., 1969-70); AAPL; Hoosier Salon Assn.; Gary PPC; Boulder Art Assn.

Work: Univ. Colorado Mus.; Univ. Colorado Faculty Cl.; PEO Mem. Library, Des Moines, IA.

Comments: Preferred media: oils. Positions: bd. mem., Boulder Pub. Lib. A. Gal., 1967-70. Teaching: art instr., Los Angeles Public Schools, 1921-23; instr., Gary Public Schools, 1923-25. Collection: 130 prints, woodcuts, lithographs, etchings, serigraphs and others, from the United States, Europe and Asia. Publications: auth., A Study of the Mountain Form in Painting," Univ. Colorado, 1947.

Sources: WW73; WW47; Ness & Orwig, Iowa Artists of the First Hundred Years, 168."

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