biographie de Ole LARSEN (?-1984)

Birth place: Panistee, MI

Addresses: Hinsdale, IL

Profession: Painter, illustrator

Studied: Chicago Acad. Fine Arts; AIC; Am. Acad. Art; also landscapes with Edward Timmons.

Exhibited: Ill. State Fair Prof. Art Exhib., Springfield, 1955-58; West Suburban Fine Arts All., Oakbrook, Ill., 1964-69; Nat. Artists Exhib., Ill. State Mus., Springfield, 1967; West Suburban Artists Guild, Hillside, Ill., 1972; Findlay Gals., Chicago IL, & Abercrombie & Fitch Co., Chicago, IL, 1970s. Awards: awards for "Sir Dudly," Ky State Fair Animal Artists Exhib., 1937 & "Early Days of a Thoroughbred," Ill. State Fair, 1956.

Member: Soc Animal Artists; Hinsdale Community Artists.

Work: Michigan City Pub. Libr., Ind.; Riveredge Found., Calgary, Alta.; Am. Saddle Horse Mus., Lexington, Ky.

Comments: Preferred media: oils, pastels.

Sources: WW73; Articles, In: Globe Democrat Tempo Mag. (1951), Chicago Tribune (1951 & 1952) & State J. Regist. (1967).

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