biographie de Frederic Charles KNIGHT (1898-1979)

Birth place: Philadelphia, PA

Addresses: NYC, Woodstock, NY; Tucson, AZ

Profession: Painter, educator, lecturer, drawing specialist

Studied: PM Sch. Indus. Art (State of Penn. scholarship, 1916), (grad., 1920, with first prize for drawing & special award for general excellence); also in France & Italy, 1926; ASL

Exhibited: S. Indp. A., 1928; Salons of Am., 1931, 1934; Woodstock AA, 1933 (1st prize for painting); WFNY, 1939; GGE, 1939; Babcock Gal., NYC; Contemp. Am. Art, WMAA, 1933-48; Corcoran Gal. biennials, 1935-51 (5 times); PAFA Ann., 1938, 1948, 1953, 1962; Painting in the U.S., Carnegie Inst., Pittsburgh, PA, 1941-45; AIC, 1944; NAD, 1945; Berkshire Mus., Pittsfield, MA, 1967 (solo) & 1972 (solo); Albany (NY) Inst. Hist. & Art, 1968 (solo); Boyer Gal., Tucson, AZ, 1970s.

Member: An Am. Group (pres., 1933-40); Woodstock AA; Am. Assn. Univ. Prof.; Am. Soc. PS&G; Am. Artists Congress.

Work: Woodstock AA; WWMA; IBM; Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH; Everhart Mus., Scranton, PA; Univ. Arizona Mus., Tucson; Bershire Mus., Pittsfield, MA; Montclair (NJ) Mus. Commissions: WPA murals in lobby of post office of Johnson City, NY, Treasury Art Project, Wash., DC, 1938.

Comments: Preferred medium: oils. Positions: chmn., Artists Coord. Commt., New York, 1937-40; chmn., Exhib. Comt., Columbia Univ., 1954-64. Teaching: Newcomb School Art, Tulane Univ., 1943-46; Columbia Univ., 1946-64. Contrib.: The Art of the Artist, Crown, 1951.

Sources: WW73; Edward Bruce & Forbes Watson, Art in Federal Buildings, Vol I, (1936); WW47; Woodstock AA; Falk, Exh. Record Series.

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