biographie de Liliana GRAMBERG (XX)

Birth place: Treviso, Italy

Addresses: Washington, DC

Profession: Painter, printmaker

Studied: Univ. Rome, with Laurea; Escuela Nac. Bellas Artes, Madrid; Atelier Gravure, with Bersier; …cole Nat. Super Beaux Arts, Paris; Atelier 1917, Paris with Hayter; Calif. College Arts & Crafts, M.F.A.

Exhibited: NW Printmakers; Silvermine Guild; PAFA; Alvarez Penteado Foundation, S„o Paulo, Brazil; Franz Bader Gallery, Washington, DC, 1970s; plus 14 solos, Smithsonian Inst., Univ. Chile, Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo & other insts. Awards: Treadwell Award, NAWA, 1963; silver medal, Assn. Incisori Italia, 1964.

Work: MOMA Ville Paris; British Mus., London; Nat. Collection Fine Arts, Washington, DC; Albertina Graphishe Sammlung, Vienna, Rosenwald Collection, Jenkintown, PA

Comments: Preferred media: graphics.Teaching: professor fine arts, Trinity College (DC), 1967.

Sources: WW73; Margarita Nelken, El Patetico Grabado de Liliana Gramberg," Arte (Mexico, March, 1959); Cajide, "Tecnica y Poesia de los Grabados de Liliana Gramberg," Artes (Spain, Feb., 1961)."

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