biographie de Clement Dean CARTER (1922-2013)

Birth place: Henderson, NC

Addresses: Blacksburg, VA

Profession: Painter, sculptor, educator

Studied: Corcoran Sch Art; Am Univ, BA; Robert Laurent; Will Hutchins; Ogunquit Sch Painting & Sculpture; Indiana Univ, MFA; Ossip Zadkine Sch Art, Paris, France.

Exhibited: CGA, 1941 (prize), 1942; Wash. WCC, 1946; Lake Forest, Ill., 1946 (solo); PAFA, 1954, 1966; Roanoke Fine Arts Show, 1963 (1st for sculp.); Cini Found, Venice, Italy, 1964; Contemp Gallery Art Ann Sculpture Show, Winston-Salem, NC, 1965 (hon men.), 1971; Smithsonian Circulating Exhib, 1969-1971; solo show, Artists' Mart, Washington, DC, 1970. Awards: Cini Found fel, 1964.

Member: Soc Washington Artists; Southern Sculptors Asn (v pres, 1966-1968); Southern Highlands Handicraft Guild (stand & ed comts); Am Crafts Coun (state rep, 1965); Blacksburg Regional Art Asn (pres).

Work: Cranbrook Acad Art, Mich; Hollins Col, Va; Washington & Lee Univ, Lexington, Va; Wichita Art Asn Galleries, Kans; First Colony Life Ins Co of Jamestown, Lynchburg, Va. Commissions: Limestone relief, Foreign Students, Indiana Univ, 1948; welded bronze relief, Wesley Found Bldg, Blacksburg, Va, 1962; bronze screen, Providence Bldg, Seven Corners, Va, 1964; bronze portrait, Walter Gropius, Col Archit, Va Polytech Inst, 1965; welded bronze screen, Roanoke Mem Hosp, Va, 1970.

Comments: Preferred Media: Bronze, Wood. Positions: Mem art adv bd, Va Highlands Community Col, Abigdon, 1969-1971 & Mountain Empire Community Col, Wise, 1971-1972; consult, US Fine Arts Surv, 1972. Teaching: Chmn art prog, Va Polytech Inst & State Univ, 1963-.

Sources: WW73; WW47; Ted Kliman, A World of Sculpture" (film), Va Polytech Inst & State Univ, 1962; WM White, Jr, Sculpturing by Dean Carter, (Maelstrom, 1966); WC Burleson, "On Campus--Dean Carter," Context (summer, 1969)."

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