biographie de Gloria Finch ALTORFER (1931)

Birth place: Peoria, IL

Addresses: Peoria, IL

Profession: Painter, designer

Studied: Bradley Univ, BA; with Hermann Kosak & Reynold Weidenaar.

Exhibited: 14th Nat. Exhib., Greater Fall River Art Assn., Mass, 1970; Juried Arts 7th Nat. Exhib. Painting & Sculpture, Tyler, Tex., 1970; 37th Nat. Ann., Miniature Painters, Sculptors & Gravers Soc., Washington, DC, 1970; 73rd Ann. Nat. Exhib. for Prof. Women Artists, Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club, NAD, 1970; Miniature Art Soc. NJ, 1971. Collectors Upstairs Gallery-Lakeview Ctr, Peoria, IL, 1970s. Awards: Best of show, Lacon Old Settler's Art Show, 1970; best of show, Brown Co. Art Gallery Assn., 1970; best of show, Pekin Palette Club, 1971.

Member: Ill. Art League (exec. bd. 1968-); Peoria Art Guild (chmn. all mem. show, 1972); Fine Arts Soc.; Lakeview Ctr. for Arts & Sci.

Comments: Preferred media: acrylic, oil, watercolor, collage. Positions: interior des., E G Lehmann Assos., 1971-. Teaching: Pvt. inst.r painting, YMCA, Roeckers Decorative Galleries and others, 1968-.

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