biographie de Albin KERN (1884-1975)

Birth place: Australia

Death place: Millbrae, CA

Addresses: Millbrae, CA

Profession: Landscape painter, etcher

Studied: Royal Acad., Munich

Exhibited: Duncan Gal., NYC; Soc. for Sanity in Art, CPLH, 1940, 1945; Soc. of Western Artists, 1955; First Nat. Bank, Millbrae, 1973-76

Member: Burlingame Art Soc.; Soc. of Western Artists

Comments: While studying in Munich, he was caught in the turmoil of WWI, fought in the German army and spent five years in Russian prison camps. He and his wife escaped to China in 1919 and made their way to California.

Sources: Hughes, Artists of California, 306.

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