biographie de Alberta Rehm SHULZ (1892-1979)

Birth place: Indianapolis, IN

Addresses: Nashville, IN

Profession: Painter

Studied: Butler Univ.; Univ. Texas; Indiana Univ.; Herron AI; Ringling School Art; & with Adolph Shulz, C. Curry Bohm, A. Pillars, L.O. Griffith, Will Vawter

Exhibited: Hoosier Salon; Brown County Galleries Assn.; Swope Art Gal.; & other exhibs. in Indiana & Florida.

Member: Brown County Galleries Assn.; Hoosier Salon; Sarasota AA (hon.); Florida Federation of Arts.

Comments: Married to A. Shulz (see entry) in 1926, they were members of the Brown County art colony.

Sources: WW59; WW47; Art by American Women: ...the Collection of L.and A. Sellars, 105.

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