biographie de David ATKINS (1910-?)

Birth place: Waterbury, CT

Addresses: NYC

Profession: Painter, lithographer, lecturer

Studied: ASL, with Kenneth Hayes Miller, William von Schlegel, George Bridgman; NAD, with Sidney Dickinson, Leon Kroll, 1927-1930; Educ. Alliance Art Sch., with Abbo Ostrowsky, 1932-1936.

Exhibited: MMA, 1936; Vendome Gal., 1942; Riverside Mus., New York, 1943-1962; S. Indp. A., 1943, 1944; Lg. Present-Day A., 1944, 1946, 1947 (prize); Am.-British A. Center, 1943; Contemporary A. Gal., 1945; Chapellier Gal., 1945; 8th St. Gallery, Knickerbocker Artists, 1948 (prize); WMAA, 1954; Regina, Gal., 1956; James Gal., 1957; Kaufman Gal., 1957; Bodley Gal., 1957; Horizon Group, 1958; Village A. Center, 1958; Artists '1972, Union Carbide, New York, 1972; Lever House, New York, 1972; Werbin Gallery, NYC, 1970s. Awards: painting prize, Prix de Paris, Raymond Duncan, 1957.

Member: Artists Lg. of Am.; Audubon A.; S. Indp. A; Horizon Group (Corr. Sec.); Artists Equity New York (exec. bd., 1962-); League Present Day Artists (pres. & secy., 1943-1950); Metrop. Painters & Sculptors (chmn. exhibs., 1971-); Prof. Art Studio Club; Artists Circle (founder, 1968-).

Work: Butler Inst. Am. Art Mus., Youngstown, Ohio; Philathea Col. MOMA, London, Ont, Can.

Comments: Positions: pres., Group III, 1971-1972.

Sources: WW73; WW47; John Gruen, Review of solo show," Herald Tribune, Nov. 9, 1963; exh. review, Art Digest (Dec. 1965)."

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